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Sunday, January 11, 2009


With every start to the new year I inevitably begin a list of things I want to accomplish throughout the twelve months. And with every year that list of resolutions inevitably falls by the wayside. I'm really not sure if I have ever successfully kept a New Year resolution. But I continue to make these resolutions... and this year is absolutely no different.

My list this year is, as follows:

1. Learn to knit. -- I tried to learn knitting last year but gave up because it hurt my fingers. Years ago, my Mama & I learned to crochet and I was pretty good at that... but I gave that up, too. BUT this is a NEW year... and this is a rollover resolution. I have a good feeling about this one... :)

2. Start scrapbooking. -- I tried scrapbooking for the first time last spring and I really, really liked it. The problem is, I lack creativity. However, I think that since I enjoyed it so much I might be able to pull some stuff together in a somewhat pretty way. I especially want to do a wedding scrapbook. It might end up being the only one I ever do... but, I hope not because I have a few ideas in my mind that I would like to make happen someday.

3. Be a GREAT wife. -- This one is not so much a year goal as it is a life goal. As a newlywed I really want to do all I can to be the best wife for my husband. This will involve other life goals, such as: being less selfish, thinking before speaking, working on communication skills, etc...

4. Cook more often & try new recipes. -- This is sort of a continuation of #3. I have always wanted to be a good cook and to cook often, but never found the need to when it was just me. Now that I have Loren here with me, I find much more of a desire to cook and prepare tasty meals.

5. Study the Bible in its entirety. -- This resolution is two-fold. Our church is doing a "Look at the Book" series in 2009; our bible study classes will cover the entire book in a year. As part of this series, Loren & I will be expanding on the church study by conducting our own personal couple study. It's always been a goal of mine to read the bible straight through and study it, but I never make it on my own. So I look forward to doing it with the help of the church & my husband.

6. Pray with Loren, A LOT. -- Loren and I have struggled with this so far in our relationship, neither of us used to praying in a one-on-one, personal setting. It is incredibly hard for me since I never pray out loud at all, save the spiritual formation group meetings last year with Amanda & Brianna. But even that was with girls only. It is something I need to work on personally and with Loren. I love prayer, it is vital in my spiritual growth... I've just never verbalized my prayers to anyone else but God. We'll work on it, we're making great strides already. :)

7. Help Loren to do the best job possible as the campus minister this semester. -- This goes without saying. I want to help him in any way possible. I want this semester to be full of growth and bonding within our student group. I hope we expand and are able to reach many students on campus. I have complete faith that Loren will do a great job with this opportunity that God has handed us.

8. Buckle down, study, & attend all classes. -- I have struggled with this my entire college career. And now, entering my last undergrad semester, I feel it is time to step up my game! I am carrying 18 hours, which will be tough on its own... not to mention the two jobs, the campus ministry, and being married. But I really want to do well in my classes... and I have faith that I can, I just have to put in more effort than I am used to. :-P

9. Work out more. -- Let's face it, this is ALWAYS the goal with women... and we fail most years. But maybe, JUST MAYBE, this is my year to actually make it happen... here's hoping!

10. To grow closer to God. -- This is an everyday, lifelong goal. I basically just want to deepen my relationship with Him and spend as much time as I can in His presence. Life has been put into perspective for me lately with all that has been going on... and I realize that there really is nothing more important than my life as a Christian.

These are my goals... we'll see how many I can stick to this year. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is very cute :) Toni I had no idea about the aneurysm. What exactly were your symptoms and how did they discover it? I'll be praying for you everyday :)

You are a Pastor's wife! You guys will do a great job with your campus ministry responsibilities.

I admire your resolutions, it seems we have some very similar ones, such as knitting and scrapbooking. I'm learning to knit as well. I lovveeee scrapbooking, so if you ever want to scrap together let me know.

A great place to buy supplies is
www.twopeasinabucket.com, and for inspiration I subscribe to Creating Keepsakes, Simple Scrapbooks, and Scrapbooks Etc. magazines.

My favorite scrapping blogs are





...and those are just a few on my google reader :)

I'm also wanting to become a good cook ;)

Keep blogging, I'm looking forward to stalking you, lol :) Good luck with school this semester!