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Thursday, July 30, 2009


As it has been 4 months since I last wrote, I am out of the swing of things. So, instead of writing some in depth blog about some one subject, I will do a nice list (we all know the love that is list-making!) of things that have gone on, changes, etc. (Or perhaps I am making a list since I have nothing of real importance to say yet... but geesh, it's been four months... I'm overdue to say at least something...)

List time!

  • In my last blog, I spoke of my heavy heart and changes I hoped to make. Well, I can tell you these changes did not come quickly. I am still in the process... but I am working on it all, and things are going well, very well.
  • I am getting back in the habit of constant and consistent prayer. I have found it to be somewhat of a lifesaver for me. I feel so much better and so much closer to God with some good prayer.
  • I'm on a daily reading schedule that is also helping me grow in my relationship with God, a lot.
  • Loren & I have moved into our new place... in May. It's out of town, with land, and flowers, and chickens, and bunnies, & even a horse. (the animals are not ours... but I like to pretend they are) It's lovely to sleep at night and not be woken up by the sounds of a rager upstairs.
  • Loren & I see too little of one another. But summer has provided some extra quality time, since the campus ministry is basically non-existent during the summer months. He and I both still work full time for REM (him - days/evenings, me - midnights)
  • My wonderful husband preached his first sermon at our church a few weeks back... he did a fantastic job! I feel (and I think he does, too) that preaching is what he is supposed to do... he's too good not to! :)
  • In classic Toni fashion - I changed my mind as to what I planned to do with my life. But then changed it back, ha. Honestly, I want to be a teacher. I see myself being a teacher, it's the only thing I have ever felt completely confident about. But just some education and money issues came up that made me think I should switch back towards the path of nursing... As of now, I'm still at teaching, just a different process of attaining that goal. Check back later, I'm sure I'll waver several times before the time comes.
  • I'm now a vegetarian - or at least 99% of the time. I still have slip ups... such as when Loren makes a pizza, I am only human, ha! I'm in the slow, slow process of working my way to vegan. We'll see. It all came about for various reasons - it really came as no surprise either, many have expected me to go this route for years. It was only natural.
  • I am certainly enjoying trying out new, healthy, meat free/sometimes dairy free recipes... hopefully, once we have internet at home, I'll post about those someday.
  • Loren's dad, Carl, is now back at home. Yay!! He's doing well, hopefully a full recovery is in his near future!
  • Jack, our dog, has gone to a new home. A much happier home. And from what I hear, he is LOVING it! Sometime soon, Loren & I will get to visit with him. I miss him a ton, and think of him often (and shed a few tears) but I know he is happy... and that makes me happy. He deserves the best home, one that can dote on him, like he loves, and be there constantly... unlike us. Miss that furry goofball though. :(
  • We had the pleasure of going to the beach this summer. For Jennalea & Scott's wedding (who was a maid of honor, oh that's right, ME!). It was absolutely beautiful and I could not be happier for those two! And I was also pretty happy to spend a few days in Nags Head!

I'm sure there is more. But c'mon, no one likes 500 bullet points.

See ya in another 4 months! ;)

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