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Thursday, January 15, 2009


It is week one of the new semester and I am already exhausted. It's not the classes themselves that are causing my bloodshot eyes and weary bones - but the culmination of two jobs, classes, church things, and marriage. I have a very limited amount of energy as it is (this probably means I need to work out more and take vitamins regularly), so I really cannot handle too much activity!

On the other hand, the good news is: I don't hate any of my classes. Yay!

I'm making progress on my knitting, I'm pretty proud of myself, I must say. It's all starting to actually look like a scarf, which makes me feel good. :)

As for the other resolutions... well, we'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for the knitting! I still need to find someone to show me what to do because I can cast on but can't make a stitch, lol. :)